Healthcare/ Elderly Care

710,000 full-time positions in nursing could remain unfilled in Germany in 2030 if the general conditions do not change.

Robots can support and relieve nursing staff in their everyday work in a variety of ways: they take over routine and administrative tasks, thus contributing to better work organization and quality of life.

Years of Experience
Years of Experience
Years of Experience
Years of Experience

How robots help

Efficiency increase
Service and assistance robots help to increase efficiency in their environment and sustainably improve customer satisfaction.
Relief of the service staff
Service robots and assistance robots are the perfect complement and support for your employees.
Reduce costs in the long term
Investment in service and assistance robots contributes to greater operational efficiency and revenue growth.
Intralogistic deliveries

Smart support - also for in-house logistics.‍

KettyBot also supports you in automating and optimizing your intralogistics and can be excellently integrated into existing processes.

In this way, the robot also proves to be a productive helper in the warehouse, driving the acceleration of internal transport times, among other things.

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Site guide

Use Temi to guide visitors in environments that are unfamiliar to them.‍

The integrated tablet can display information that helps people find their way in unfamiliar environments. ‍

So Temi can guide people and show them how to get to their destination.

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Support for the staff

Perfect for transporting small parts, ideal for use in the logistics industry.

BellaBot is suitable for use both in day-to-day business and as an aid in warehouse logistics.

The robot is extremely robust and very stable in its construction, which makes it excellent to move over straight floors.

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Everyday companion for seniors

NAO is ideal as an everyday companion against loneliness.

The robot can send a call for help, carry on conversations, remind people to take medication, and perform movement exercises with seniors.

NAO's interaction capability with motion and voice functions allows it to have dialogues with people and even proactively start conversations.

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Entertainer in care facilities

Pepper is the ideal entertainer in care facilities and geriatric care.‍

Pepper is able to lighten the mood and entertain the residents.

With the integrated Social Happiness program, Pepper can play guessing games with users, tell jokes, play board games and run mobility programs.

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